Learning from the past, delivering value in the present, preparing for the future...

Tel. +44 (0) 141 613 4700 | Fax. +44 (0) 141 613 1216

Our Responsibilities

Our business must impact positively on the environment, workplace, marketplace & community


Energy conservation

We recognise that our activities impact on the environment and therefore we commit to fully comply with all environmental legislation and are actively developing methods to reduce our energy consumption.

Recycling & Waste Management

We recycle our main waste products (glass; water; packaging) and operate an environmentally sound waste management procedure for all other waste materials.


We develop awareness of our environmental responsibilities amongst our employees, and promote our environmental policies and practices at all levels of our organisation.


Health & Safety

We have developed and operate business specific Safety Management systems. These create safe working environments which do not pose an undue risk to the health and safety of employees, customers, contractors, visitors and members of the public.

Employment rights

Our HR processes ensure that we meet and where possible exceed the statutory requirements relating to Employee rights, Pension commitment and Race, Gender & Disability (Diversity) requirements.


We ensure that all our people are given the opportunity for personal development. We provide formal training programmes and skills enhancement at all levels of the organisation.



It is imperitive that our products and services achieve the highest quality standards. We therefore implement our rigorous Quality Management Systems to ensure that we meet our clients expectations and also our statutory/contractual obligations.


We ensure that our Core Values transfer to our communication with the marketplace. We protect our reputation by being ethical and professional in everything we do and say.


For generations, we have strived to have a voice within the industries in which we operate. Our aim is to have a positive influence on the future development of our markets.



Providing local employment has been the basis of our business for over 130 years. We continue to develop this bond through specific employment initiatives developed in conjunction with local enterprise and government agencies.


To interact positively with the community, we provide support to local organisations and charities who provide benefit into society.

Future development

We will consider the impact of our future development to ensure that there is no negative impact on the community